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Flourit Rainbow Raw

Flourit Rainbow Raw

Regular price 60,00 DKK
Regular price Sale price 60,00 DKK
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Flourite Rainbow

Power Traits: Flexibility, Emotional Strength, Perception, Intuition, Clarity.

Is a combination of green and purple Flourit, which becomes Flourit Rainbow. Of all the colors, green and purple Fluorite are the most popular because of their properties and energies. Flourit Rainbow brings a combination of the energies of both that increase flexibility, free-thinking and emotional strength, allowing you to be a whole and sensual human being.

Flourite Green is connected to the heart chakra and provides information through the subconscious mind and gives access to intuition. Absorbs negative energy and is an effective cleanser of the aura, chakras and on the mental level.

Flourit Purple stimulates the 3rd eye, is good for meditation and helps in your work as a clairvoyant. On an intellectual level, it can help you think clearly and make clear decisions.

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